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Katharina Gerund on different facets of Josephine Baker’s art and activism with a focus on their transatlantic dimension.
Following the transatlantic traces of Farbe Bekennen (1986), Rita Maricocchi recontextualizes the anthology’s status in German postcolonial studies.
Academia (3) Archive (9) Black Diaspora (5) Cold War (1) Colonial History (3) Conference (2) Franz Kafka (1) Goethe (1) Hannah Arendt (2) James Baldwin (3) Münster (2) Re-Education (2) Susan Sontag (1) Sustainability (3) the West (2) Thomas Mann (3) W. E. B. Du Bois (1) Walt Whitman (1) World War II (1)
Transatlanticism pertains to the transatlantic history of literature and ideas, with a particular focus on the German-US relationship.